Partnering With Us

There is learning potential in every organisation waiting to be unlocked.

What is Steppit Select?

We make it simpler than ever to produce incredible online courses, while redefining the video learning experience.

You know your world inside out. We know how to leverage that knowledge and package it into a learning pathway with frictionless technology for your commercial or organisational gain.

Here are some ways in which we help organisations like yours:

Quickly own untapped industry-wide revenue streams.
Brand activation and credibility as an educator.
Engage communities and build customer loyalty through learning.
Improved student engagement and learning outcomes.
Upskilling and reskilling for employability and addressing internal skills gaps.
Innovative, scalable experiential learning.

What's included?

Your organisation brings the subject or industry expertise. We bring:

Our unique learning methodology.
The Steppit platform, mobile and browser app, and course hosting.
A team of strategists, course designers, course builders, developers, editors, copywriters and project managers.
Help planning an ongoing learning pathway and course progression.
Acquisition marketing and communications support.
Performance data, analysis and insight for course revenue, class management, success and completion rates.
And all of the basics you would expect:
Payment processing and reconciliation.
Data security and GDPR compliance.
Continued platform improvement and technical releases.
Customer service support and technical helpdesk.

Discover the opportunities that online learning brings to your sector:

Further Education

Bring vocational content to life and let your students learn and practice new skills flexibly, at home or in the workplace.

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Higher Education

Discover the digital tools that are redefining active learning for universities and higher education academies.

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Corporates & Enterprises

Teach your customers new skills and claim an innovative new proposition that your competitors won’t have.

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Combine the best of digital learning and in-person training to revolutionise your practical employee training.

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What are your challenges? Is there a knowledge gap in your market or organisation? Let’s book a conversation.